Two Birds: The Lord Will Provide

Another aspect of my thesis involving puppets and American folklore, the Two Birds were hand carved from scrap lumber salvaged from behind the sawmill at Warren Wilson College. 

The Lord Will Provide

Adapted by Jack Pullman from an American folktale

One day, Brother Buzzard was circling about in the sky, humming to himself and just feeling the wind on his bald head. After a while, Brother Hawk comes up to ride the same lazy current.

            “What a fine day it is today,” said Hawk. “Sure makes a guy hungry keeping aloft like this. What say we make a snack of that rabbit down there?”

               “You go on,” said Buzzard. “I’m waiting on the provision of the Lord.”

So Brother Hawk swooped down, snatched that rabbit, and flew on his way. Brother Buzzard kept circling, humming, and just feeling the wind on his bald head.

            The next day, Brother Buzzard was circling about in the sky, humming to himself and just feeling the wind on his bald head. After a while, Brother Hawk comes up to ride the lazy current.

“What a fine day it is today,” said Hawk. “Sure makes a guy hungry keeping aloft like this. Look at that fat snake on that rock. Wouldn’t you like to put some of that in your belly?”

                “You go on,” said Buzzard. “I’m waiting on the provision of the Lord.”

          So Brother Hawk swooped down, snatched up the snake, and flew on his way. Brother Buzzard kept circling, humming, and just feeling the wind on his bald head.

              On the third day, Brother Buzzard was circling about in the sky, humming to himself and just feeling the wind on his bald head. After a while, Brother Hawk comes up beside him.

“What a fine day it is today,” said Hawk. ““Sure makes a guy hungry keeping aloft like this. Look at that succulent little songbird singing on that barbwire fence there. Don’t she just look scrumptious?”

              “You go on,” said Buzzard. “I’m waiting on the provision of the Lord.”

             “I knew you would say that. And seeing as I know you haven’t eaten in days, I’m going to bring her to you for your own gastronomical pleasure. That’s just the kind of good guy I am,” said Hawk.

               “Do as you like,” said Buzzard. “I’m awaiting the provision of the Lord.”

So Brother Hawk commenced to divebomb the little songbird, who was quick and keen, and vacated the fence at Hawk’s approach. Brother Hawk, though, was not as quick and keen, and could not redirect his coordinates in time to avoid becoming entangled in the barbwire fence. As his eyes began to milk over, he saw Brother Buzzard circle down and land on the fencepost, saying: “The Lord has provided.”

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